Most individuals who own a car get it regularly serviced. Oil change, filter change, check other fluids, check brakes, honk the horn, flash the lights, etc. Manufacturers highly recommend this routine maintenance be performed to keep your vehicle running at tip-top shape and to help prevent breakdowns.
A computer system isn’t much different. It needs an occasional cleaning to keep it running at its peak performance: remove temporary files, update the operating system and other programs, check for malware such as viruses, adware, and Trojans, clean out the dust that’s accumulated inside, and ensure that all the fans are running and keeping that dust from settling.
Preventative Maintenance
While your computer doesn’t keep a ticker going to show how many computing miles it’s been through, it is recommended to have your system serviced for maintenance at least once every 6 months. If the computer operates in highly dirty area, such an industrial plant work floor or a wood workers shop, or even in that auto service station where your car is treated at regular intervals, then the maintenance should be performed more often, and would depend on how much dust and dirt gather inside the system every couple of months. Did you know that dust and nicotine on printed circuit boards actually conduct electricity? We’ve seen them short out systems causing a complete failure.
If your systems haven’t been looked at for maintenance in quite a while, consider giving us a call. Whether you’re a business or a residential customer, we can get you taken care of.
Business customer with more than 3 systems? Let us put you on a regular, 6 month schedule to get your maintenance done. Qualifying customers are eligible for discounted rates.