If you "like" our page on Facebook there's no doubt that you've seen a bunch of posts from us this week regarding our new page. Earlier this week we launched a new page for A2Z Computer Services, Inc. on Facebook because of some technical issues with our old page. Don't worry, these technical issues are not a virus or anything that will effect … [Read more...]
Three questions that must be asked when creating a social media strategy
A couple weeks ago, we at A2Z Computer Services, Inc hosted a free seminar at our office for our existing Mad Skillz Marketing customers to help enhance their Social Media presence. The purpose of this seminar was to show these business owners how to start their Social Media ventures with a strong foundation. So we showed them how developing a … [Read more...]
Why should you use Twitter?
Twitter, although it may not yet have the largest number of users, it's the fastest growing social networking tool, growing at over 2,000% annually. You might not see a need for it as an individual, you might not see a need to have it for your business, but the truth is that more and more people are using it, and as a business owner, you should be … [Read more...]
Social Media will not help your business…
...if you do not use it correctly. Just like anything else we use everyday, we have have to know how to use it correctly. If we don't use a gas pump correctly, it's worthless. If you don't use Social Media correctly it will not help your business, if anything it will cause you stress and irritation and drive to possibly even write off Social … [Read more...]
A Decree to Small Business Owners
Here at A2Z Computer Services Inc., our new service called Mad Skillz Marketing has really taken off, and we are not surprised. It's been amazing helping all of these strong business create a presence in the Social Media world. Many of you reading are fairly new to this "revolution" altogether, some of you have had personal social networking … [Read more...]