Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter, Instagram, Email, Online Banking, Online Investment Services, Youtube, BrightTalk, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, DropBox, World of Warcraft. All these sites and services have at least one thing in common: they require usernames and passwords to get access to personal information. And for obvious reasons, this list is by … [Read more...]
Facebook Contests: Do’s and Don’ts
Facebook contests and giveaways are very popular these days. It's rare to not see posts from friends who have just entered to win a gift card or an iPad. It's just as rare to not see posts from company pages that you like promoting their latest sweepstakes and how you can win. Contests are a great way to generate buzz about your brand on the … [Read more...]
Three questions that must be asked when creating a social media strategy
A couple weeks ago, we at A2Z Computer Services, Inc hosted a free seminar at our office for our existing Mad Skillz Marketing customers to help enhance their Social Media presence. The purpose of this seminar was to show these business owners how to start their Social Media ventures with a strong foundation. So we showed them how developing a … [Read more...]
A Response on Beginning to Tweet
Recently, a client asked us how they could get followers on Twitter. Being new to Twitter, they are of course excited to start using this great tool for their business to better connect with their customers and peers in their field, as well they should be enthusiastic about it. In an email, we replied to their question with a few tips and links to … [Read more...]
Social Media will not help your business…
...if you do not use it correctly. Just like anything else we use everyday, we have have to know how to use it correctly. If we don't use a gas pump correctly, it's worthless. If you don't use Social Media correctly it will not help your business, if anything it will cause you stress and irritation and drive to possibly even write off Social … [Read more...]