Earlier today Adobe released a critical update to its Flash Player program correcting an issue with versions 12 and 11 of the player. Flash Player is the software installed on a computer that allows individuals to view videos on YouTube and some websites, as well as some other web content. Adobe's security advisory details that the vulnerability … [Read more...]
New Licensing Agreement for Office 2013
Changes are a given. In software, they happen quite often. And for Microsoft, they happen without so much as a whisper. Microsoft released Office 2013 this past January, and with it, major changes in the licensing agreement. However, they didn’t mention anything at the time about the changes. Not until Valentine’s day. Microsoft confirmed to … [Read more...]
Why should you use Twitter?
Twitter, although it may not yet have the largest number of users, it's the fastest growing social networking tool, growing at over 2,000% annually. You might not see a need for it as an individual, you might not see a need to have it for your business, but the truth is that more and more people are using it, and as a business owner, you should be … [Read more...]